I am neither a regular nor a constant user of Facebook (FB), though I was an
early adopter. I like to keep in touch with new technologies and emerging
trends. However I have had only sporadic success with FB, and more often than
not have had serious gaffes.
Like last week I wanted to wish a friend on his birthday, and since it is
now de rigueur’ to use FB, I logged in to do the same. There were a host of greetings
on his wall already, so I just typed in my comment and pressed enter. However I
landed up posting the wish on another friends ‘wall’! Both of these friends
share a common first name, and somehow FB posted ‘my’ greeting on the incorrect
friend's wall. Of course he came back to thank me and politely pointed out that
he prefers to celebrates his birthday on the anniversary of the day that he was born, which
was a few months ago. I could only imagine his friends on FB wondering who this
twit was to post wishes on the wrong day, especially in this day and age when technology
takes care of all this stuff.
Then again, as some of you might know, I decided to post my previous blog on
FB, and after doing so realised that I had inadvertently included a friend’s
comment with it. This made the blog come across like an advert for a book or a
movie, with critics comments appended. (Siskel and Ebert give this blog 2
thumbs-up!!) This was the last thing I wanted. I was anyway quite embarrassed about imposing my blog on friends through FB. But after this faux
pas, I was a shattered man, as my fevered mind construed up images of my
friends shaking their heads in annoyance, as they felt impelled to not only
read my blog, but now leave comments as well.
Frequently I have ‘posted’ incomplete responses to other friend’s status
updates, or even worse have posted the same response twice or sometimes even
thrice. I press 'Enter' after typing my comment and nothing happens. I wait a
while and press enter again, and then (in frustration) again, and suddenly my
comment appears on the wall as many times as I pressed enter!!
FB is just such a public place for such mistakes. It is not like the time
years ago, when a close friend had mistakenly inserted his love letter to his
fiancé in an envelope addressed to me and vice versa a missive to me in an envelope
addressed to her. His girlfriend had come running frantically to correct the
mistake, and nobody was the wiser.
To compound these problems, over the last few years we now have the ability
to log in from a multitude of mobile devices like IPhones, BB, IPads, etc. And
me being me, I have downloaded applications on to each of these. Hence every
time I log in I get a different menu and screen structure. It used to be so
simple. I would go into friends if I wanted to see what was happening with a
particular friend. Today every time I try and look up a friend, I get a list of
people who I might know and should connect with! What happened to my list of
So now I stick to the “Like” button with the thumbs-up sign, to respond to updates.
It is safe and foolproof. The worst that can happen is I 'Like' something
that I should not - like a friend posting some bad news and I respond with a
big thumbs-up!
Anyway despite the above issues and frustrations, I do log in infrequently to
see updates.
And that is when my real misery starts.
I look at the status and picture updates and what strikes me, like a slap on
the face, is that everyone I know is having a better life than me. There are
pictures of shiny happy beautiful people, at parties, on the beach, at
concerts, on holidays etc. To me it looks as if that is all everyone I know is
doing. People are busy on vacation, partying, getting pets, attending seminars
in exotic places, getting awards and winning trophies. There are status updates
from concerts, airports, stadiums, beaches, movies and even airplanes!! My friends are pictured
in group hugs, or holding up glasses full of bubbly, or jiving away in the
funnest parties on Earth. They all seem to be visiting the places I want to see, eating stuff that I want to eat, and basically leading the life I want to lead.
It is almost enough to make a balanced individual like myself desperate. I
wonder how many winter suicides FB is responsible for. I can only imagine
someone who is already having a bad day, logging into FB, seeing all these
pictures of friends frolicking around, and maybe his ex-girlfriend smiling as
she shares a romantic dinner with another guy, and deciding to walk to his
bathtub and (literally) drown his sorrows.
To top it off, I read status updates from everyone that are so deeply
philosophical and wise, that it makes me feel like an ignoramus and a simpleton.
Everyone seems to have the perfect idiom for every occasion, while I struggle
to think of something to say about my own mundane day. Snappy comebacks and
witty answers abound in the FB world, making me shake my head in wonder at the
intellect on display.
However I am thankful for some small mercies. I do not know how or why, but
I have stopped receiving those innumerable updates from "Farmville",
"Dogville" or whatever, with requests for milk, tractors, seeds and
I do realise of course, that Facebook is just a one-dimensional portal into
our lives. It is a reflection of the way we each want our lives to be seen.
Facebook is just the host of a global party, and all us guests are spruced up and
putting our best foot (and face) forward. It shows only our external manifestation,
made up and dressed in finery, and hides the disheveled us (warts and all) from
the public eye. It is our way of sticking our tongue out to the world, giving
others their come-uppance, by letting them know of what is best in our lives.
In the Facebook world it is definitely not enough (and quite boring
actually) to just have a loving family, close friends and a healthy life. One
needs to have a menagerie, travel to exotic locales around the world, and have
hundreds (if not thousands) of friends. My friends' photo galleries are full of
these and other pictures of parties and events attended. No wonder then that my
wife decided to remove all our boring photographs from Facebook.
I do know what I want now and what to wish for. In my next life, I want to
come back as my Facebook friend and live a Facebook life!