Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I am convinced that the world is pushing us as individuals to stop thinking for ourselves. We are inundated everyday with subliminal messages, telling us what to buy, what to listen to, what to read and what to think. In this fast paced world which is getting faster by the minute, the very quantum of information that floods us ensures that we cannot, and never do, stop to think.

People around us mouth cliches' or echo views that they have just heard or read without pausing to assimilate or reflect. It is just so much easier to go with the flow. If so many people think alike or share an opinion, then it must be the right one. I do confess that I myself have on occasion, been guilty of this, and it does take effort to force your brain to question the current wisdom. The problem is that views formed so easily do not stand the test of even a gentle probe, leave alone a more pointed line of questioning.

Belief is the opposite of reason. Any institution that relies on belief as its foundation, builds a precarious edifice. Belief is the sanctuary for ignorance. Free thoughts illuminate areas that cannot stand the test of reason. Of all the species that walk this earth, man is the only one that has this ability to think and to reason. In all other "physical" areas we are significantly weaker. Why then would so many, so willingly give up their one true strength of logic and rational thought ? What advantage do we, as a species, stand to gain by forfeiting this attribute ?

The answer lies in the struggle for Power !! People who yield their brains easily, become pawns in this battle. Power is about influence, and what better way to influence people than through their thoughts. If one controls others thoughts, one controls their body. You will see this trait manifest in so many everyday occurrences, some benign and some more malicious. From belief in every printed word, to getting into the influence of the latest "guru" or shaman, to following blindly the dictates of a powerful leader.

Our urge to believe is strong, deep set in our physique's, a product of millions of years of evolution and survival. It has its roots in our infancy, where it would be disadvantageous for a child to question the urging or orders of its elders. This instinct then pervades into our adulthood, and only a strong mind, groomed from early years to question prevailing wisdom, and encouraged to have free thoughts, will be able to break away from these childhood shackles.

If one looks back into history, both distant and not so distant, every progress from the fire to the wheel to the computer, has been due to unconventional thinking. It is the result of a man (known or unknown) who asks "why not ?", who is willing to suffer persecution or excommunication from his tribe, society, organisation, or group, in the pursuit of his free thoughts.

Access to open unbiased education and information, encouraging a child's uninhibited questions, and creating an environment that stimulates freedom of thought are the only ingredients required to harness the greatest weapon in mans possession. Societies that inhibit this freedom of thought and speech, will suffer the consequences. Their people will be relegated to the backwaters of civilizations progress, always looking at others better- off, consigning their lot in life, to the vagaries of the Gods and to their miserable destiny.

Why then do we continue to mentally cuff our children ?

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